Monday, August 31, 2009

Digital Art!

I love drawing and digital art and I have been an artist all my life. For my 19th birthday last year, my wife and her parents surprised me with my very one wacom tablet. I love it so much and practice with it often. Here are some of my newest sketches and pieces. ^_^

They are a: Gnome sketch (for a game I love), a summer Faerie, a zombie prom queen, a random character (I was practicing coloring hair), a rough Night Elf sketch (need to fix one of her ears and her lips when I do the inking) and a close up of a zombie girl. :P


More I have yet to figure out...

...In blogger land.

1. If someone comments on your blog, do you answer via your comments or go and comment back to them on their blog or...?

2. Where does everyone find memes and stuff? Is there a website? Do they make them up?



Well, I have yet to post about one of my most favorite hobbies!

And that is... Gaming.

I'm being honest here, I'd love to have some nice followers who turn out to be great friends and really, many women hate gaming or just are not into it, etc. But I've gotta be me and post about what I love, or this will be just another blog on the web, right?

So anyway, yes. I am a gamer. I play everything from FPS' (First Person Shooters) to Pogo (a website with tons of fun puzzle, bingo, etc. games!) From MMORPGs (Massive-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) to Racing games. I love them all! Except sports, but that is only because in RL the only two sports that interest me are bull riding/the rodeo and NASCAR.

We have two PCs, two Nintendo DS', one Xbox360 and one Wii. Jennie and I truly enjoy and have so much fun together, playing our games.

Just recently I started playing Halo 2 and it is so fun!

I miss playing my all time favorite game, World of Warcraft. It'll have to sadly wait until we get some monies. But then, muhahaha. We shall rule the WORLD (of Warcraft.)

Oh yeah!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Toast! It's what's for... Breakfast?

Good MORNING! It is 6:31 AM by me. Did I just wake up? Nope, I've been up since yesterday afternoon. I, well we, are total night owls.

Anyway, toast is one of my favorite foods. But not just toast alone. I love toast with butter, mmm, so good when it gets all melty. And toast with peanut butter is something I thought up and tried and it was very good... Kinda reminded me of a crunchy cookie.

But... One great topping is... Cinnamon Sugar. This weekend when my MIL went shopping, I asked her to pick some up for me (Jen and I are living with her parents, until we can find a job.) I had not had any since I was maybe... Twelve.

It was SO good! I love the combination of toast, butter and cinnamon sugar. Yum!

So! How do you like your toast? (That sounds like some weird pickup line!)


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Resumes, tea and the holidays.

Okay, so, resumes. Last year, I sucked was GREAT at writing resumes. Lately I've gotten even better. I feel confident that my resumes AND cover letters are good... Maybe even better than good. I just feel down when I apply to place after place and either here no, that there's other people better qualified for the job OR I do not hear anything at all.

We just applied for a part-time position, hoping we may get the job and that it'll lead to full-time. These girls can hope!

Next on my "what should I blog about tonight"? list is... Tea. I like tea. I just recently started drinking it... However, it makes me nausea. WTF? Tea should make me relaxed. I thought, well, maybe it was just the tea we were drinking? Which was black tea, which is strong.

So I had light green tea. Nausea. Then chamomille tea. Nausea. Whaaa! Stupid nausea. I guess I will keep trying different teas and see if I can agree with any of them. Here's hopin'.

And finally, the HOLIDAYS! WOOT WOOT!!!

First, coming up, is Jennie's b-day. ^_^
Then, my sisters.
Then mine and Jennie's two year wedding anniversary <3


Halloween! I love, love, LOVE Halloween. We go ALL out. In fact, here are some pictures of my Halloween makeup last year. Done by Jennie. ^_^

I FREAKIN' LOVED IT! It was SO fun! I really, really enjoy going all out for Halloween. Especially with decorations. Maybe I'll show those off in another post?

Well, that is all for now! (I had to post this up here, because blogspot is confusing the hell out of me... Apparently, I do not know how to put this after the pictures. I feel like such a noob! v.v)


Friday, August 28, 2009

I know so little...

...About blogging.

First, the whole "leave a comment or send an e-mail" thing is confusing! I iz used to MySpace, where you can comment or send a message. But e-mail just seems so... Personal? I worry if I send an e-mail, someone is going to look at my name and be like WTF? Who are they?!

Second is... What to post? If you really have no idea what to blog about, what do you do? Look around other blogs and steal borrow their ideas? Or do you just make up your own bloggy stuff?

I've only had one blog that I actually (and sometimes still do) post on. So even though I have started WAY too many, I am really trying with this one.

Well, I think that is all for now...

P.S. I still have no freakin' clue what to put on the end of posts. Boonah.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yes, that is a tiger biting me in the neck!

When Jen and I went to FREAKIN' LAS VEGAS, WOO! to meet up with my sisters and brother-in-law for the first time since A: I moved and B: First time for Jen ever to meet them, we went to the wax museum. It was a lot of fun!

I'm shy at first, so I was just standing in the back as my sisters hopped on and off of motorcycles and posed with celebrities, but when I saw a huge tiger with its mouth open, well the first thing I thought of was "This would be GREAT for display pics and blogs!" so I ran up and tried my best to put my neck in it's mouth, haha. WITHOUT knocking the whole display over!

I also posed with plenty of celebreties, which was fun, once I got into it. So did Jennie.

I love, love, love Vegas. When I found out we were going, all I could say was: "Fucking Las Vegas! We're going to fucking LAS VEGAS!"

Even though I can't drink or gamble... Boonah.

BUT! It was also were Jennie and I had our honeymoon in 2007. <3 So it was even more special.

So, yes, just a little post about my blog picture. ^_^



I have no catchy titles or anything to really blog about, but my entire life I have been given journals, diaries and notebooks; and I have started a countless number of blogs... And I never write more than a page or post or two.

So, with nothing really to say, I am just typing.

Yesterday, Jen and I went to Ikea with my MIL for the first time and... Wow. It was amazing! I love how they have everything set up, plus all the little things like the bundles of cooking utensils, throw pillows, etc.

There was so much we wanted to get... Oh well, once we get a job.

Jen and I have worked together every job we've had so far, except for one. So at that time, just I worked and I was miserable. The job was cashiering, which I've done before, so that wasn't too bad. It was the endless stream of people, no matter what time I was there and the idiotic managers and co-workers.

We found a better job, as cashiers at a small resort. For some reason, someone didn't like us, so they caused drama and got us fired. Blah.

And now, we're unemployed. We want to work together, if possible. And we'd LOVE to work in a cubical/office (or even better, from home. And luckily, more places are doing that now.) I want a cubical with awesome, geeky stuff ( is one of my fav. stores!) Not to mention sharpies, post-its, a message/cork board...

I am so hoping we find a good job and soon... Especially with the holidays coming up. Birthdays and Halloween is just around the corner! Eee!

Also, yum, chamomille tea is good. And apple-y.

P.S. I never know how to end a blog post...


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Okay, so...

First post (again.)

I actually started this blog a day or two (or three) ago and I really wasn't being me. So I deleted those posts (instead of deleting this whole blog, like I was going to do, but this blog name is my favorite!) and I am now just starting over as me. My true self and not my "I hope my blog will be popular" self. If it is popular, it'll be because I'm being me and not something I'm not... Did I confuse you yet?

Okay, so... I'm Angie. I'm twenty and I am happily married to my beautiful wife, Jennie. We are currently unemployed (booNAH. Instead of booYAH.) and living with family. We've had a taste of living on our own (but that was a seasonal job,) so we are excited to be on our own again. And to have more money... So we're really hoping for good jobs.

We have two pets, a kitten named Wedge and a ferret named Flint. Wedge is named after one of our favorite Star Wars characters and Flint is short for Flintlock (his full name), after the flintlock pistol.

I am a complete geek. I love Star Wars, Star Trek and Stargate. I love to play video and computer games, everything from MMOs to puzzle games, FPS' to RPGs. And I also love science and history!

Also, there is something I need to state... It may seem strange, but it is important to me! My wife and I are both very girly, we're "lipstick lesbians." I have nothing against any other kind of lesbian, trust me! Anyway, when you say you're a lesbian, most people think of one girl being the "guy" of the relationship and the other being the "girl." That just isn't how it is for us, we're both the girls of the relationship.

Well, that is all for now... Now that I'm done posting on my blog, it is time to read other blogs! Blogging is addictive!
