Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have no catchy titles or anything to really blog about, but my entire life I have been given journals, diaries and notebooks; and I have started a countless number of blogs... And I never write more than a page or post or two.

So, with nothing really to say, I am just typing.

Yesterday, Jen and I went to Ikea with my MIL for the first time and... Wow. It was amazing! I love how they have everything set up, plus all the little things like the bundles of cooking utensils, throw pillows, etc.

There was so much we wanted to get... Oh well, once we get a job.

Jen and I have worked together every job we've had so far, except for one. So at that time, just I worked and I was miserable. The job was cashiering, which I've done before, so that wasn't too bad. It was the endless stream of people, no matter what time I was there and the idiotic managers and co-workers.

We found a better job, as cashiers at a small resort. For some reason, someone didn't like us, so they caused drama and got us fired. Blah.

And now, we're unemployed. We want to work together, if possible. And we'd LOVE to work in a cubical/office (or even better, from home. And luckily, more places are doing that now.) I want a cubical with awesome, geeky stuff ( is one of my fav. stores!) Not to mention sharpies, post-its, a message/cork board...

I am so hoping we find a good job and soon... Especially with the holidays coming up. Birthdays and Halloween is just around the corner! Eee!

Also, yum, chamomille tea is good. And apple-y.

P.S. I never know how to end a blog post...
