Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yes, that is a tiger biting me in the neck!

When Jen and I went to FREAKIN' LAS VEGAS, WOO! to meet up with my sisters and brother-in-law for the first time since A: I moved and B: First time for Jen ever to meet them, we went to the wax museum. It was a lot of fun!

I'm shy at first, so I was just standing in the back as my sisters hopped on and off of motorcycles and posed with celebrities, but when I saw a huge tiger with its mouth open, well the first thing I thought of was "This would be GREAT for display pics and blogs!" so I ran up and tried my best to put my neck in it's mouth, haha. WITHOUT knocking the whole display over!

I also posed with plenty of celebreties, which was fun, once I got into it. So did Jennie.

I love, love, love Vegas. When I found out we were going, all I could say was: "Fucking Las Vegas! We're going to fucking LAS VEGAS!"

Even though I can't drink or gamble... Boonah.

BUT! It was also were Jennie and I had our honeymoon in 2007. <3 So it was even more special.

So, yes, just a little post about my blog picture. ^_^
