Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Okay, real post for the day...


Hello everyone!

Ah, I am still so happy about my blog background. I kept looking online for the perfect background that screamed "me," but couldn't find anything. Do not get me wrong, I found many LOVELY backgrounds, but nothing clicked.

Then I thought, well, maybe making my own wouldn't be so hard... And now I am very satisfied.

I still have a few things I need to change. For one, the heart "button" on my header seems a little distorted and honestly, I am thinking about changing my blog name. I do love it, but it just doesn't sound... Right. I am a lesbian and a very happily married one at that, but maybe the name is just going kind of overboard?

The last thing I want to do is sound like some lolboy.

Anyway, September 1st! YAY!

Jennie's b-day is on the 10th! (And we get our last paycheck tomorrow! BooYAH and boonah.) My sister's is on the 12th and Jennie and I will be married for 2 years on the 13th! WOOHOO!

I am also looking forward to fall. I <3 fall.

I also just drank a ROCKST*R (JUICED Mango - Orange Passion Fruit, for those who wanna know!) So I am hyper!

And yes, this is how I really am. I am geeky and annoying and hyper. GO ME!
